Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winning and Losing in Hemingway`s vision

Winner Take Nothing, 27th of October 1933

The collection presents the reality as horrible and cruel because of the historical period (disillusionment after the I World War and the Great Depression)or because of the tragic events in Hemingway’s life at that time. All pieces have tragic and pessimistic decoration. Hemingway depicts distorted characters as the distorted pictures of Pablo Picasso. Often his disillusionment transfers in black mockery and satire. The stories are symbols which got together construct the idea of the collection mentioned in the epigraph and the title. This is an existential quest. Quest for the great questions, for the sense of human life, for the aim of man, for his winning and losing in life and who is the real winner in fact. Hemingway gives his answers and coins his philosophy.

1. the reality - The Gambler, the Nun and the Radio
The need to fog our minds, the need for opium, reality is futile and absurd, human condition bad, man is doomed to pain, sufferings and losing.

2. the human soul - The Light of the World
Beauty and power of human soul, the inner strengths of man, who even in bad situation is believing, hoping and loving. Inner strengths which give power to human beings to keep going. Man can be destroyed but not defeated because of these inner strengths.

3. the winning - A Way You’ll Never Be
Winning is in that that we don’t give up and win against fate with courage.

4. the fight - A Day’s Wait
The sense of life is this fight and man shows his real face in that fight. Hemingway likes fair fighters, who stoically bare the plays of fate and victory it without showing any weakness.

5. the way of fight - A Clean, Well – Lighted Place
Stoically accepting the kicks of fate, bravely with self – respect with elegance and dignity.

6. The fight with fate is unequal.
Man is ordained to lose but he can win against providence with his courage, elegance and dignity, but he won’t get a prize, the opposite he will be put to more tests and trails. In this fight man shows his real face.

7. the losing - Fathers and Sons, The Sea Change, After the Storm
The motif is not clearly declared in the collection. It is undercurrent line and has its unvoiced messages and unstated conclusions. The motif of losing is omitted. Man is losing everything – happiness, love, dear people, gold, health, life. The mean strokes of fate. Ironic story.

8. God - A Natural History of the Dead
Even God is not concerned in the absurd and cruel and desperate condition of man.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The True Art

They say that error is inadmissible in the good craftsmanship and unavoidable in the true work of art (which may be true) and that just in that is the difference between the first and the second (which is suspicious).

Unknown originator

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Who is more strange?

I want to begin with that that I didn’t like that man although he was not so bad.

He was nothing special, one of those people who you see and immediately forget. He was not eminent with anything. He had ordinary looks, not ugly but so ordinary that he seemed ugly. He was common and ordinary and simple. He had simple rules learned from his grandparents from the countryside and he followed them blindly. In fact they worked, but only for people like him. He was from the countryside too. He was trying to settle in the big city and to become a citizen of the capital. He wanted to marry in the capital to a nice woman and to have good family, as the old grandparents taught him.

We worked in the same department as me and from time to time we drank beer together after work. The first time he invited me as a gentleman then as a gentleman he started to show indifference towards me, trying to manipulate me and to evoke in me the feelings: “O, why doesn’t he like me anymore? Am I not good? Am I not beautiful?” But those are thoughts of a simple girl and I wasn’t so stupid that time. Life has learned me that already. He started to try to impose upon me. I liked one café where we spent our lunch breaks and drank coffee and after several times he said he didn’t want to go there. He started to whimsical. He didn`t want to go there, to sit here, to eat somewhere. He started to play old tricks. I asked him once out, to go to a lunch break and he said: “No. I will go out and have one sandwich. I don’t want to go out.” I never called him again after that. The manipulation he was trying to apply on me only cheered me up and I was entertained. Entertained in that way that I started to tease him to tell him how rich am I in order he to think that he had come across to a diamond and a very good victim. I did it slightly and he never knew. He thought he was playing the game but the game was played by me. I spoke I had some possessions, cars, apartments, real estates, I told him about vacations abroad and he get the hook. After that I felt regret but he deserved it. And I believe that everyone must get what he deserves. And I don`t say it. Don’t you remember the parable about the Judgment Day.

Often on our beer meetings I was speaking and he was listening. He was not secret, he just was simple and hadn’t much to say.
“What happened today in your office?” - he was sounding.
“Hm. Nothing special, just ordinary things.”
“How was your colleague Angy today?”
“She was fine. Demonic as always.”
“What do you think about Patrick?”
Patrick was the chief of the other department.
“He is a clever man, I like him.”
He smiled.
I knew what simple thought is rounding in his mind, but for a pity that was all his ability.
For him I was strange though he never said that to me. With his simple mind and simple rules he couldn’t understand my vigor, wish to entertain, necessity to smile every time 1000 times. He didn’t understand even the passion with which I spoke for everything. We were too different.

He was already 31 years old and it was (as simple men think) time to create your own nest – family and to continue to live the ordinary life but with a partner. He thought that it is time for him to marry. And he was looking around. I was one of his victims. I had to be pleased.
He was so ordinary, so simple. Of great importance of him were the social and living kitchen-sink standards and everything besides this was strange and unneeded. For happiness or not he guessed the right philosophy for living in order to suffer in minimal amounts and to lead and in future painless life. Maybe his grandparents are not so stupid or they just copy what was said to them from their grandparents, got from the wisdom of the generations and from the past, from where all truths emerge. Old philosophy, which saves you, but is not so interesting and entertaining. We must learn and entertain ourselves in this world not to save ourselves doing the most ordinary and the very simple. We must try to learn to fly.

So this man was given that simple philosophy God knows from where, he had simple looks, simple mind, simple life and he was looking for a woman to marry if it could be a pretty one. But she can be and slightly ugly – the philosophy accepted this even recommended it. He was looking for a simple woman like him, but he didn’t know it. I was a target but I was not so good according to the philosophy. I don’t believe he had ever fall in love with anyone. But maybe here I may be wrong.
“What is doing Martha?"
Martha was one of my colleagues.
“Nothing, I don’t know.”
“Does she have a boyfriend?”
“Yes, I think she has. Do you like her?”
“No, just asking.”

This man will not contribute to the world with nothing as hundred others. But he didn’t care or didn’t realize it. He just wanted to marry, because it is time. Men often show off with their wish of freedom and independence, with their fear of relationships and marriage. But this is one delusion. Most of them are afraid, more afraid than women. They fear from loneliness and they try to guarantee themselves. It is often met, man around 30s to look for a woman to marry and he wants this on any price and after that (after approximately 4 years) he realizes that he was wrong. Man can not marry because it is necessary and it is time. Man must marry when he is ready for this. No because "it is time", or because "the time came".

“What happened with Cloud and Diana? Did they come back from Vienna?”
“Not yet. They come tomorrow.”
“Is there some news about the deal with the selling of the company? Have you heard something? Have you heard something for the new owners?”
“No. I receive just the e- mails they send to all of us with the information about the process.”
“What is doing Renate?"
“I don’t know. I don’t like her. I m not interested in her.”

On our meetings for a mug of beer after work I often retold him stories from my life which was full of adventures. He was listening and often secretly sniggered at me because he thought he was more clever then me. He only was questioning for ordinary things not telling anything about his life and was sounding around to get information. And as I was talkative I was interesting and useful to him. One day as I was his target for marring or whatever he thought he asked me again sounding around how many relationships I have had.
“One long and several short” – was my answer – “But I have many relationships with boys which for one or other reason didn’t develop in real intimate relationship and they stayed on the level of friendship. I fall often strongly in love and my feelings are deep. And I even liked one boy 3 years!"
He was pragmatic and asked: “Were you a couple?”
“No. It didn’t happen.”
“How can you be in love with a man 3 years not having anything with him?"
“I had.” – I told him – "I had friendship.”

In that moment I realized that the strange is not me but he – the ordinary. And this question for the very same time proved how simple he is and how simple he thinks and how simple life lies in front of him full of emptiness. This question maybe proves that he never felt the feeling of love. He never tasted the bitter taste of unshared love, the pain of not being the one and the secret hope that one day you will be. He never dreamed for a beloved person. He was an empty man. He was pragmatic, so simple and clear.

Till now I can’t believe that this happened and that there is such a man in the world. I often ask myself remaining this dialogue: “Who is the more strange?”

“What are you going to do in the weekend?” – he asked
“I don’t know yet.”
“We can go to a walk in the park.”
“Yes, why not.”

But we never went.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Black magic and Destruction of Humankind

Nowadays the state is the institution which guarantees the law and the moral of society. There are some laws but the unpunished evil is spreading around. We see it everywhere. Rude behavior, bad deeds. The state can control only part of our lives and can protect only part of our rights. The unpunished evil is spreading, which proofs that the people must be threaten and punished which made partly the law in the middle ages, provoked by religion (my beloved religion). People putted without law and restrictions are evil, aggressive. They are like animals. Not all of them, but most.

One of this unpunished evil is the black magic. For me it in fact doesn`t exist. It is not restricted so if it existed with so many evil people the humankind would have destroyed itself and disappeared years ago. The evil people are more than good, and having the power to do bad unrestricted they would do it for sure.

In controversy of the hatred on Earth for me there is Supreme Great Power with high reason. I believe in it. It is good but and strict and sometimes is like the bad teacher. Only that why it can mange with the evil which is spread on the Earth.
So there is no black magic because if it had we would never be here now.

The black magic influences on the level of mind. You must see something made, you must hear, or you yourself to suggest that. It operates on that level. But for the doer of the magic for him this is disaster. The bad deed he did follows him all his life.

And this deed always returns to him again and again. He knows he is sinner and his consciousness doesn`t give him liberation. He himself made it or ordered it. He made all in self - aware condition. And this works on his subconsciousness. The bad deed.
And no matter if the black magic works or not for the victim for the doer and orderer it is returned 100 times. It works on his subconsciousness, it eats him from inside. This is the balance. What is done it returns back to you. You can test it with the smile. This balance we see everywhere in the nature. You do bad, you receive bad. This the principle of the Karma. You pay for all your deeds. You pay now you pay and in your future life, but mostly you pay now. This is the balance. Karma does`t means destiny. Karma means action and opposition. And the Supreme strict and fair Reason keeps the good and punishes the bad in that life. There are a lot of parables about that. So black magic is bad only for the doer. It rarely touches the victim. It is a myth like the vampires. But also it evokes the evil in people who believe they can do something unpunished bad to other. And often they themselves are punished. And for that they must be angry to themselves.

The Test

With so many gold, money and possessions in this world we must learn our souls to not notice them and to go on higher level where nothing is needed only curiosity for knowledge, investigation and impulse for creation. This world full of gold, money and possessions is a test for our souls. It is so obvious. Obvious is also that even having all these money , gold and possessions you are not happy. You are happy only when you gather knowledge and create and of course when you receive love. Because we are little Gods, as one African parable tells. And slowly we during our transformations (because Death is transformation) we will reach higher states and we will go on next level - maybe there is better.. I don`t know. I know only that soul develops to reach perfection. Maybe one day to rule the other not so perfect souls...but this is the machine or the system I don`t understand and I let it to God or to the Supreme Power as I call it. We are powerless in front of him. He rules and he decides. AMOR FATI (love your destiny). This is term from Nietzsche`s philosophy. Very right and true. We are helpless and we must be submissive. We don`t decide nothing. Is this a test of our soul or just life full of obstacles and sufferings which we must go through? But this is a test too.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mr. Killer

I met Mr. Killer several times, but he din`t kill me. He made me just more wiser and stronger.Thank you Mr. Killer. Some people say poison is useful in small amounts. I feel i get just enough of you Mr. Killer. I feel well now. You gave me that that nobody could give me. You made me the person I am. And I appreciate this. Thank you Mr. Killer.
Thank you that you did`t kill me.

Religious freedom

Most people are occupied with religions. Maybe because it is modern or because they search for an answer to the existential problems, which torment only one small amount of people of the population of this nice and beautiful planet. Why religion is so popular or unpopular? We have more interesting things to do than to occupy with religion. But nevertheless we occupy so often with it. Maybe because it was the rule and the order and the truth for so long and we don`t want to be restricted and if restricted to know why, because of what and maybe because religion is the door to the unknown. And we know the unknown so often is very attractive. Secrets are attractive. But the domination of religion in our life recently came to an end. God is dead. Dostoevsky dethroned him. Now we are free, but we want to believe in something. Our mind is thus constructed that it has to be a way, a rule, logic that explains everything. Now we are free to believe in whatever we like and to fell happy. To fell not restricted by someone. Now The New Age is coming. It is a new kind of relation to God. Now we are allowed to speak to him, to be angry at him, to curse him. He will forgive us. Now in that new religion everybody depends on himself and has his own religion and behaves as he likes. (There is term New Age and it is a 21st century religious current). Maybe that`s freedom. And if we must obey the rule of freedom everybody can believe in whatever he wants but not disturbing or manipulating the others. That`s real freedom of belief. The church always wanted to control the masses. Now everyone can choose in what to believe. And the rule of freedom is kept as long as he does not try to manipulate others to make them his followers or slaves, because the option of power often obsesses the minds of people. I am ready to accept even a worship of one flower or tree but if this doesn’t disturb the freedom of others. If somebody wants he can worship a stone or an animal but this must not be developed in religion trying to convince some followers or manipulate peoples` minds, which are so confused living in this hard reality. If somebody believes in something it must be only his decision and he to take the responsibilities of his decisions. He must not try to get followers to become a guru or what ever, to use the suffering of people or to use those, who want to be saved. There are so confused people with so many sufferings and unanswered questions. It is a crime to use their weakness. They just want to be happy but they don’t know how.

I believe in free religion. Everyone to do what he thinks it is good. It is the best religion because you are not afraid of punishment, you just are yourself and if there is Great Power she will accept you because you are its child and it is always ready to forgive as they say. That is why I don`t accept Islam. It is good religion, teaching people to be good, giving some rules, but it is transformed in a device for manipulation. Every man has free will and chance to be unique why we must be restricted by some people, not by religion, but by people? In the Bible is said “Don’t give to the man fish, teach him how to fish.” Why someone has to tell you what to do. Everyone has the right of free will. You can fish, you can decide when to fish, you can not fish at all, you can fish every day several times. The choice is your. The biggest opposition of free will is manipulation. Everybody has his own head. He can precisely decide what is wrong and what is bad. We have such a society, which had given so freedom to everyone of us. Why somebody must tell me how to behave. It is a medieval practice. That is why I openly criticize Islam. For me that religion used in this way gives only pain and blood. The soldiers of Islam, they even don’t know for what they are fighting for. They are zombies. They are used in the plan of their own supreme rulers. For them it is convenient to have such a war, to have such restricting rules. But who suffers - the ordinary man. I worship these warriors who give their life for their sacred deed and beliefs. It is great sacrifice. If you think, this is the greatest sacrifice one man can do - to give up from their own life in the name of others for an idea. Ideas are …..the highest. Materialism has no place here. So people die for ideas and those ideas serve to the materialistic rulers of these countries. The fair fighters and believers are heroes, all these Arab hara-kiri-s. They are God blessed. But unfortunately they are used by the masquerade of their rulers who don’t want educated people who want ignorant zombies in order to make way to their politics and further wealth gaining. Because for them it is never enough – the rule of materialism. They want more and more. And the opposite the idea rule – they don’t want anything. The Arabs are betrayed by their own high - placed rulers. Innocent people die and these tycoons get more and more gold and money. For them it is convenient this separation to Arabs and rest of the World. They make it themselves and use religion for excuse of their deeds and to move the point of importance and truth. They need ignorant people in order to rule the masses as they like. They preach praying to this God who I am sure doesn’t accept what they do. But he is silent. Is he?

I believe in religion tolerance. Why we can live with Buddhists, Confucians and Protestants and Orthodox followers and Catholics and we can not live with Islam? Why in 21st century we have religious wars like in the middle ages? Maybe that is convenient for someone. For whom I don’t know. But I advocate for religious tolerance, because all we are humans and suffer equally and are happy equally. Why we must destroy each other for so dogmatic principles? God as we know him is long time ago dead. God transformed as our society transformed he as a clever man doesn’t go far behind, he renews himself to answer to the problems of the 21st century man. God is smart and rules smart. This what is operating in the Islam world is one machine which wants by old dogmatic and undemocratic rules to dominate. Everyone can believe in whatever he wants and whatever makes him happy and better man but he must not try to convince people to follow him or to manipulate them using them for his own interests. Religion is for the good, not for war. It is to make us better, to help us in our development. So believe in flower, believe in wind, believe in sea, be good, keep your inner spirit calm, do the best you can but not try to manipulate others, do not try to convince them to do something for you. Vice versa do something good for them. You are free. Make other free too. Give them the option to reach their own truth. Don’t manipulate, don’t use people. God said he is ONE. In all religions he says he is ONE and ONLY. This is the simple answer. All religions, preaching one and the same in fact are one religion and their God is ONE. He himself gave us the key. The key - religious tolerance. He is in us, we are in him and he is us and we are him. We are small Gods, we create, we imagine, we make art, we make and the beauty and the ugliness. We can make everything what he did on this planet. We can reach the skies and be angels and we can go to the hell and become demons. All is about us. And we must not deny the church. It was useful but no any more. It must transform either. You saw that in the 2000 year nothing happened. The church was one old, scarecrow. But it is not useful now. It is dieing institution. It has to coin new political and philosophical line. People are on a higher level now and they don’t need scarecrows anymore. They are developing and now they must struggle with their own conscious and themselves and with others. Every man knows enough now to make his free choice and to bear his punishment. Everything is in our hands and we must rule well ourselves. The punishment comes in this life. If you think about this a bit you will see. You can’t deny that there is no justice here on Earth. Think what you do and what will follow because the punishment is here and now. You can not be bad all your life and to expect good, except if you are a lucky person. But those are so few. So think wise. Do what you think it must be done, what is good and what will be in synchrony with your soul. Be your own judge and your own saver.

Everyone must do what his soul thinks it is right to do. Try to make your own rules with which to feel comfortable. Not messing with others. Not greedy for power. Because the highest devotion is self-denying, rejecting of your own ego in the name of others. The same Christ gave us this example. Life is a theater – said the old thinkers. Now we can say that life is a PC game or matrix. Both may be true. Some don’t realize it, other do. But nobody knows why we are here. Maybe to reject our ego and to do good to others not waiting gratitude. Why people so rare say "Thank you!"? Why, when they are so happy when they receive this so rarely given "Thank you!"? So be kind and tolerant and try to make people happy although you will hear this "Thank you!" very rarely.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ode to Romanticism

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) is one of the most significant poets in all times. His poetry, revolutionary or loving, remains deep marks in the mind with its ideas and in in the soul with its great expressions and picturesque images and in heart with its striking emotions and deep sentiments. Percy Bysshe Shelley is outstanding representative of the late Romantic poets from the late 18th and the beginning of the 19th century.

Romanticism has some typical characteristics which determine its essence. In the first place it is its medievalism, longing to the past and fascination with the glamour of the middle ages. Escapism is very often met in the poetry of Romantic poets. They want to escape from reality, to take refuge in the glorious past, in utopian future, or in a distant exotic present. They want to save themselves from the industrial cities, to go to oasis, where harmony exists.

Romanticists believe in progress although they don’t like the reality and its modern face. They assume that destiny of man is dynamic, evolutionary, progressive. They are sure that there is development from the negative to the positive. They believe in the man. They are rebels and protest against dogmatism of the church, scientific impersonality and inhumanity. They deny rationalism. In fact the Romantic school is reaction to the Enlightenment, which main feature is the cult of reason.

As a political orientation and sight for the order of life they are republicans. They have hostility towards monarchical structure. This idea of human equality and democracy they take from John Locke and the Age of Reason and fill it with emotional fervor. But the sense of freedom is accompanied with sense of pessimism, which leads them to despair, world grief and pain.

Inherited the idea of equality of man Romantics believe in the inherent worth of every man and his uniqueness. This belief shows them as great humanists. They believe in the human hearth. They preach that the hearth, the emotion, the goodness and humanity are more important than intellect. Evil is associated with intelligence.

With Romantics comes the worship of originality and individualism. The poet for Romanticists is the man gifted with creative imagination and originality. The major subject of the Romanticists is himself, the individual, his confessions, his emotions, his feelings. They enjoy emotion for its own sake. They fall in bottomless emotional depths in their poems.

They see the purpose of art as purgative and artist as one who must be purified trough art. Art is seen as necessary relief after the sufferings and terror, a final result after the purgation of the artist as Aristotle claimed.

In their poems they show love towards the wild and the picturesque, towards nature, which they depict vividly and with strong emotion. Their hatred towards civilization is obvious as their love to nature. In their poetry often are praised beautiful and unforgettable images of nature, which impress with their reality and lyricism.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley was the son of a prosperous squire. He entered Oxford in 1810, where readings in philosophy led him toward the study of the empiricists and the modern skeptics, notably William Godwin. In 1811 he and his friend Thomas Jefferson Hogg published their pamphlet, „The Necessity of Atheism”, which resulted in their immediate expulsion from the university. The same year Shelley eloped with 16-year-old Harriet Westbrook, by whom he eventually had two children, Ianthe and Charles.
Supported reluctantly by their fathers, the young couple traveled through Great Britain. Shelley’s life continued to be dominated by his desire for social and political reform, and he was constantly publishing pamphlets. His first important poem, „Queen Mab”, privately printed in 1813, set forth a radical system of curing social ills by advocating the destruction of various established institutions.
In 1814 Shelley left England for France with Mary Godwin, the daughter of William Godwin. During their first year together they were plagued by social ostracism and financial difficulties. However, in 1815 Shelley’s grandfather died and left him an annual income. „Laon and Cynthna” appeared in 1817 but was withdrawn and reissued the following year as „The Revolt of Islam”. It is a long poem in Spenserian stanzas that tells of a revolution and illustrates the growth of the human mind aspiring toward perfection.
After Harriet Shelley’s suicide in 1816, Shelley and Mary officially married. In 1817 Harriet’s parents obtained a decree from the lord chancellor stating that Shelley was unfit to have custody of his children. The following year Shelley and Mary left England and settled in Italy. By this time their household consisted of their own three children and Mary’s half-sister Claire Claremont and her daughter Allegra (whose father was Lord Byron). On July 8, 1822, Shelley was drowned while sailing in the Bay of Spezia, near Lerici.

Ode to the West Wind

Percy Bysshe Shelley composed the poem "Ode to the West Wind" in 1819 and published it in 1820. Some have interpreted the poem to be an expression of the speaker lamenting his current situation, but at the same time rejoicing in the fact his/her written works will have influence over people in the same situation. More than anything else, Shelley wanted his message of reform and revolution spread, and the wind becomes the trope for spreading the word of change.
The poem “Ode to the West Wind” consists of five cantos written in tetra rime. The Ode is written in iambic pentameter. The poem begins with three cantos describing the wind's effects upon earth, air, and ocean. The last two cantos are Shelley speaking directly to the wind, asking for its power, to lift him like a leaf, or a cloud and make him its companion in its wanderings. He asks the wind to take his thoughts and spread them all over the world so that the youth are awoken with his ideas.
The poem can be divided in two parts: the first three cantos are about the qualities of the ‘Wind’; the fact that these three cantos belong together can visually be seen by the phrase ‘Oh hear!’ at the end of each of the three cantos. Whereas the last two cantos give a relation between the ‘Wind’ and the speaker, there is a turn at the beginning of the fourth canto; the focus is now on the speaker, or better the hearer, and what he is going to hear.

First Canto
The first stanza begins with the alliteration ‘wild West Wind’. The reader gets the impression that the wind is something that lives, because he is ‘wild’ – it is a kind of personification of the ‘wind’. Even after reading the headline and the alliteration, one might have the feeling that the canto might somehow be positive. The first few lines consist of a lot of sinister elements, such as ‘dead leaves’. The inversion of ‘leaves dead’ in the first canto underlines the fatality by putting the word ‘dead’ at the end of the line so that it rhymes with the next lines. The sentence goes on and makes these ‘dead’ leaves live again as ‘ghosts’ that flee from something that panics them. The colorful context makes it easier for the reader to visualize what is going on – even if it is in an uncomfortable manner. ‘Yellow’ can be seen as the ugly hue of ‘pestilence-stricken’ skin; and ‘hectic red’, though evoking the pace of the poem itself, could also highlight the pace of death brought to multitudes. There is also a strange synchronous in the color ‘black’ and the adjective ‘pale’ (ominous symbols).

In the word ‘chariotest’ the ‘est’ is added to the verb stem ‘chariot’, probably to indicate the second person singular, after the subject ‘thou’ . The ‘corpse within its grave’ in the next line is in contrast to the ‘azure sister of the Spring’ – a reference to the east wind – whose ‘living hues and odors plain’ evoke a strong contrast to the colors of the fourth line of the poem that evoke death. The last line of this canto (‘Destroyer and Preserver’) refers to the west wind. The west wind is considered the ‘Destroyer’ because it drives the last signs of life from the trees. He is also considered the ‘Preserver’ for scattering the seeds which will come to life in the spring.

Second Canto

The second canto of the poem is much more fluid than the first one. The sky’s ‘clouds’ are ‘like earth’s decaying leaves’. They are a reference to the second line of the first canto (‘leaves dead’). Through this reference the landscape is recalled again. The ‘clouds’ are ‘Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean’. This probably refers to the fact that the line between the sky and the stormy sea is indistinguishable and the whole space from the horizon to the zenith is covered with storm clouds. The ‘clouds’ can also be seen as ‘Angels of rain’. In a biblical way, they may be messengers that bring a message from heaven down to earth through rain and lightning. These two natural phenomena (ocean and sky) bring a transformation – a storm is emerging to evoke the change.

Line 21 begins with ‘Of some fierce Maenad ...’ and again the west wind is part of the second canto of the poem; here he is two things at once: first he is ‘dirge/Of the dying year’ and second he is “a prophet of tumult whose prediction is decisive”; a prophet who does not only bring ‘black rain, and fire, and hail’, but who ‘will burst’ it. The ‘locks of the approaching storm’ are the messengers of this bursting.

Shelley in this canto “expands his vision from the earthly scene with the leaves before him to take in the vaster commotion of the skies”. This means that the wind is now no longer scatter only the leaves but has risen, getting more destructive, promising storm.

Third Canto

The question that comes up when reading the third canto at first is what the subject of the ‘blue Mediterranean’. It is said that ‘he lay, / Lulled by the coil of this crystalline streams, /Beside a pumice isle in Baiae’s bay, / And saw in sleep old palaces and towers’. This is obviously a slight ironical remark of the exotic and perfect place for escape, where the loving feelings overtake the poet, which Shelley often visits. He doesn’t want anymore the safe place of illusions and beauty. He comes to reality and depicts the world with all its harshness. The ‘wind’ – ‘saw’ the city, which may lead to the association of the human civilization and its glorious past with its great palaces and towers, symbol of power and strength, which now are mere reflection in the water.

The ‘wind’ appears as something that plays the role of a Creator and of a changing power. It comes and transforms the world, bringing the new and the truthful, the new birth of the Spring. It creates the new beginning and the desired change, blowing away the old and exhausted.

Whereas Shelley had accepted death and impending storm in the first and second canto, he now turns to the fear which the awaited change evokes. From line 26 to line 36 he gives an image of nature. Line 36 begins with the sentence ‘So sweet, the sense faints picturing them’. And indeed, the picture Shelley gives us here seems to be ‘sweet’. ‘The sea-blooms’ are probably the plants at the bottom of the ocean and give a peaceful picture of what is under water. But if we look closer at line 36, we realize that the sentence is not what it appears to be at first sight. This shows that the idyllic picture is not what it seems to be and that the harmony will certainly soon be destroyed. A few lines later, Shelley suddenly talks about ‘fear’. This again shows the influence of the west wind which announces the change of the season.

Fourth Canto

The fourth canto shows – in comparison with the previous cantos – a turning-point. Whereas the cantos one to three begin with ‘O wild West Wind’ and ‘Thou...’ and are clearly directed to the wind, there is a change in the fourth canto. The focus is no more on the ‘wind’, but on the speaker who says ‘If I...’ Until this part, the poem has appeared very anonymous and was only concentrated on the ‘wind’ and its forces so that the author of the poem was more or less forgotten. It becomes more and more clear that what the author talks about now is himself. That this must be true, shows the frequency of the author’s use of the first-person pronouns ‘I’, ‘my’ and ‘me’. These pronouns appear nine times in the fourth canto. Certainly the author wants to dramatize the atmosphere so that the reader recalls the situation of canto one to three. He achieves this by using the same pictures of the previous cantos in this one. Whereas these images, such as ‘leaf’, ‘cloud’ and ‘wave’ have existed only together with the ‘wind’, they are now existing with the author. The author thinks about being one of them and says ‘If I were a ...’ Shelley here identifies himself with the wind, he wants to be liberated from the gloomy lot. He wishes he was young, filled with hope and faith. He says ‘Oh, lift me up as a wave, a leaf, a cloud’. He knows that this is something impossible to achieve, but he does not stop praying for it. He says: ‘I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!’ He confesses he is damaged by life and unable to fight (he is bleeding), but also confesses that once he was like the Wind (“one too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.”).

At the end of the canto the poet tells us that ‘a heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed’. This may be a reference to the years that have passed and ‘chained and bowed’ the hope of the people for the change. Confronting that, the West Wind becomes the opposite. The wind is the ‘uncontrollable’ who is ‘tameless’.

One more thing that one should mention is that this canto sounds like a kind of prayer or confession of the poet. This confession does not address God but beside this sounds very personal.

Shelley also changes his use of metaphors in this canto. In the first cantos the metaphors are frequent. Now the metaphors are only weakly presented – ‘the thorns of life’. Shelley also leaves out the fourth element: the fire. In the previous cantos he wrote about the earth, the air and the water. The reader now expects the fire – but it is not there. This leads to a break in the symmetry of the poem because the reader does not meet the fire until the fifth canto.

Fifth Canto

Again the wind is very important in this last canto. The wind with his ‘mighty harmonies’ becomes an artist or a Creator of sounds. At the beginning of the poem the ‘wind’ was only capable of blowing the leaves from the trees – a small storm, enlarging gradually through the poem; it receives its climax in the fifth canto.

Everything that had been said before was part of the elements – wind, earth and water. Now the fourth element comes in: the fire. In this way the poem is accomplished and gives the feeling of wholeness and completeness of the meanings. The “ashes and sparks” incline that the fight will start soon, after the Wind scatters the words of the poet among the mankind.

It is also necessary to mention that the first-person pronouns again appear in a great frequency; but the possessive pronoun ‘my’ predominates. Unlike the frequent use of the ‘I’ in the previous canto that made the canto sound self-conscious; this canto might now sound self-confident. The canto is no more a request or a prayer as it had been in the fourth canto – it is a demand.

The poet becomes the wind’s instrument – his ‘lyre’. This is a symbol of the poet’s participation towards the wind; he becomes his musician and the wind’s breath becomes his breath. The poet’s attitude towards the wind has changed: in the first canto the wind has been an ‘enchanter’, now the wind has become an ‘incantation’.

And there is another contrast between the two last cantos: in the fourth canto the poet had articulated himself in singular: ‘a leaf’, ‘a cloud’, ‘A wave’ and ‘One too like thee’. The last canto differs from that. The poet in this canto uses plural forms, for example, ‘my leaves’, ‘thy harmonies’, ‘my thoughts’, ‘ashes and sparks’ and ‘my lips’. By the use of the plural, the poet is able to show that there is some kind of multitude that brings safety and certainty. It even seems as if he has redefined himself because the uncertainty of the previous canto has been blown away. The ‘leaves’ merge with those of an entire forest. The ‘Will’ is ushered by “mighty harmonies”. The use of this ‘Will” is certainly a reference to the future. That something new will come with the transcendent will and world-shattering spirit of the wind.

At last, Shelley again calls the Wind in a kind of prayer and even wants him to be ‘his’ Spirit: he says: ‘My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!’ Like the leaves of the trees in a forest, his leaves will fall and decay and will perhaps soon flourish again when the spring comes. That may be why he is looking forward to the spring and asks at the end of the last canto ‘If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?’ This is of course a rhetorical question because spring does come after winter and another renewal – spring - will come anyway. Thus the question has a deeper meaning and does not only mean the change of seasons, but is a reference to death and rebirth as well. It also indicates that after the struggles and problems, there would always be a new beginning. But the most powerful call to the Wind are the lines: "Drive my dead thoughts over the universe/Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth!" Here Shelley is imploring - or really chanting to - the Wind to blow away all of his useless thoughts so that he can be a vessel for the Wind and, as a result, awaken the Earth.

Ode to the West Wind

Percy Bysshe Shelley


O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,

Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,
Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou,
Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed

The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low,
Each like a corpse within its grave, until
Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow

Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill
(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)
With living hues and odors plain and hill:

Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;
Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!


Thou on whose stream, 'mid the steep sky's commotion,
Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shed,
Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,

Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread
On the blue surface of thine airy surge,
Like the bright hair uplifted from the head

Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim verge
Of the horizon to the zenith's height,
The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge

Of the dying year, to which this closing night
Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre,
Vaulted with all thy congregated might

Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere
Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst: oh, hear!


Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams
The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,
Lulled by the coil of his crystalline streams,

Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay,
And saw in sleep old palaces and towers
Quivering within the wave's intenser day,

All overgrown with azure moss and flowers
So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou
For whose path the Atlantic's level powers

Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below
The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear
The sapless foliage of the ocean, know

Thy voice, and suddenly grow grey with fear,
And tremble and despoil themselves: oh, hear!


If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;
If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;
A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share

The impulse of thy strength, only less free
Than thou, O uncontrollable! If even
I were as in my boyhood, and could be

The comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven,
As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed
Scarce seemed a vision; I would ne'er have striven

As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.
Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!
I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!

A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed
One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.


Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
What if my leaves are falling like its own!
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies

Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone,
Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,
My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe
Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth!
And, by the incantation of this verse,

Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth
Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!
Be through my lips to unawakened earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lilith - demon or a feminist?

In our days it is known that the name "Lilith" comes from Jewish "Lil" - night, mist, darkness. But in the historical resources Lilith appears much more back in time, in the Sumerian mythology from 5000 years. She was an assistant of the goddess Inane - The Sky Queen, with whom they both in some time during the year dropped down to men on the Earth for ritual ceremonies.

But most wide-spread is the Jewish story about Lilith. Lilith was the first woman at all and the first woman of Adam. On the sixth day God decided to create the man in his own image. The word “adam" comes from "adamah" (dust) and is referred as for men and for women. Adam wanted to dominate in the relationship with Lilith and to keep her in submission. Lilith was disobedient and loved freedom, so she escaped and hid around the Red Sea and joined the low demons. In this way Lilith became the first feminist in the world.


Provoking life...
Provoking you...
Provoked by you....

Please, provoke me!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Trying to turn the ICEBERG upside down..

Biscuit Monster

She was thinking about him. The serial. He was awful, disgusting, nasty. He was a jerk. Did she love him? Maybe the same question was the desired answer. She wanted to know what he was thinking. But she knew she had lost him. The serial. How to allure him, how to keep him? Did she love him? Maybe she was in love with this other guy, his friend. She was not sure. It did not matter any more. Hum, this biscuit was cool.

She was seeing what her eyes wanted to see and she was hearing what she wanted to hear. Most of the time it was unpleasant. Long time ago she had lost her objectivity. Long time ago something has made her sightless. She was very tense. In her head she was feeling tension. Maybe because of that that she had made a lot of forbidden things. Did her consciousness torment her? Maybe she was trying all the time to lie herself she was good. Maybe that was the root of her tension. It was hard and often she was lying herself to find a little peace but all this was purchasing her. She was afraid of punishment. Was she excusing herself? Sure. She could not stand herself but she did not confess that and often she was proud with herself. Hum, yummy biscuit.

She was blind. She was seeing distorted reality. It was inimically. For so long she was not objective. She was lying herself. That’s how she was keeping going. She was insane. Were the subjective people insane? To what extend subjectivity is normal? Was she insane? Will she get insane? This question often tormented her. And this permanent headache. But all that was for an instant. In most of the time she was sure in her correctness and beside that she was hiding her real face (maybe deep in her soul she knew it was not for showing) and was playing the role of good, pleasant and smiling. But this smile was a grimace. Was she guilty? She was playing the role of nice and pleasant but she was not and that’s why that role didn’t satisfy her. It is like if you want a coffee and you have a cup of tea. Again she unsuccessfully was lying herself. But NO! She could not be herself. Her consciousness often broke her sleep that’s why she preferred to get tired to death and to be always busy and not thinking. But that was hard burden. She was excusing herself and often she was thinking that she was doing good to people and to the world. She will do good and to the next biscuit…

She wanted to get it all. She was greedy. In her wish to receive she was loosing all but didn’t realize it. She didn’t know the reason for all that. Maybe she thought she deserved something more, but maybe she was just gluttonous. She often had a bite of biscuits. She was wanting a lot, more and more, many. She was greedy, gluttonous. As the food she was swallowing and men. She was gourmet. For breakfast, for lunch, for dinner for hors d`oeuvre and as a desert. She was stuffing herself and she was always unsatisfied. Did he love her? This was important. Biscuits…

She was insensible, but she thought she had feelings and often was showing with them. But her deeds were proof for the opposite. Her heart was on her sleeve, but this was her greatest delusion, maybe part of her madness. She was playing the role. She thought she was sly but she was unhappy. Always trying to outmaneuver, always fighting with imaginable enemies, always trying to manipulate situations in order to get the desired. Almost every time loosing. She was confused and she was keeping eating biscuits and she was sure in her rightness.

P.S. The story was written under the influence of Hemingway and was a try to turn the iceberg upside down.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mr. Killer\Karizma

What is Astrology?

Several months ago I started an Astrology course, Natal Astrology. Doing that I started to make horoscopes to several people around me...Some were inclined to believe, others denied saying it is all imagination, some just listened not knowing what to say. I had questions like: "Is your teacher a magician? Is she a soothsayer?..No she is an ordinary woman and astrology is not a magic it is something like a science...ancient science, coming from ancient Egypt and now developing every day. It is very close to psychology. Even Carl Yung a great psychologist was also and astrology researcher. Astrology is coming from Egypt and about this ancient civilization is known that had some science given from the sky or alien mind. Astrology was invented before the invention of the telescope. There is a statement that the east people get the knowledge from the inside from the core to the outside and the west from the periphery to the core. Two different approaches. So for me Astrology is science from the core to the out, it is close to the essence of life and maybe someday we the west people will appreciate it and will see its truthfulness. I don`t know what the ancient Egypt priests thought about Astrology but I`ll say you what i believe. One man who I made horoscope said: "Hey the starts are so far away from us that they can not influence us." Is he right? For me yes...
I believe as all astrologists in reincarnation and that every soul comes to this world to learn its lessons and to pay its debts in its way to perfection. But for me there is a big reasonable Energy or Power which rules and controls all this operation. You may call it God or whatever you like but it is here. And for me the way of the soul is to go through all its lives and they are many and are predestined. In fact this Great Power predestined our lives and just because it is clever wrote on the sky the codes of our lives. So planets don`t influence us they just show our lives in codes. This Great Power puts us on Earth in the real hell and above in the skies it gave us the map. Maybe we are in one big Matrix or in some unreal or so real PC strategy game. This world is made for something, look how precisely it is working. The nature, the animals and even the humans...
It is like big machine, we humans are part from it. Our lives and the map is in the stars, the creator is full of romanticism;] The beautiful stars which we often look at are the codes to our sufferings here...
So what is astrology? A map to my person and a map of my life.....
You will say: "So you are astrologist. Why don`t you say me what will happen with me..?" I can do that to one extend, but I can not do it perfect..and look - what is perfect? Nothing is perfect. The science is developing. It can not answer to many questions. Astrology is developing too and soon it will come more clear what is astrology and it will prove that it works and not that planets influence us but that they are part from this machine showing us the might of ONE POWER.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Fight

Often God and the Devil are represented as two opposite powers fighting each other on Earth via us, people. One is influencing us and the other too, in our thoughts, deeds and decisions. The BIG FIGHT on Earth about our souls. But is this in that way? Maybe not. If God and Devil were equal, all bad people, doing bad things, having big and many sins will go to Hell and there they would have a big prize for that because they helped the Devil in his fight. But it is not like that the big sinners go to Hell to be tormented, to pay for their evil deeds. So Devil helps God. He punishes the sinners. So the Devil is subordinate to God and helps him to teach us people to do Good. The Devil is the strict and bad teacher who if we make the wrong step punishes us. He is the power which correct the situation. So the Devil is a servant to God, his helper and coworker in our education. The Education of our souls. The education which we gain every day in our life by our decisions. So the Fight between the good God and bad Devil in fact is not a Fight, it is a cooperation.
We, our souls, we must go trough this to gain perfection and to learn to be good. The bad is here only to show us the difference. If there are not bad people we would never know what is Good and we would never appreciate it. The Bad is here to help us in our way to the supreme perfection.

And about the Fight, it is just made up in the ancient times to help the ancient people to realize the world and to help them to go through the way of their life. This ancient people were more ignorant than us, that's why they needed some hellish ideology to help them to complete the aim of their lives and the Aim is to learn and to be good. They were frightened. They feared of God. They feared of Devil. They were frightened with punishments. These ancient people were like animals, ignorant. They could understand only with the help of punishments and threats. Now we are more intelligent and self aware and we can be free from these dogmas and religions and alone to decide our way. Of course, in our irreligious times there are a lot of atheists. Among them there are also good people, but also very bad, believing they can have what they want and like. But they often are punished in life. Maybe from this Devil, the coworker of God. I don`t deny the fight i don`t deny God and Devil. For me they are two powers - one gives, other gets. In fact maybe they are one and the same power. Maybe they are one and the same energy, which rules this World.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thinking of Adam and Eve

Thinking of Adam and Eve legend and again thinking on the contrary on the Darwin`s theory I just get lost one evening. I really realize how wrong are both. And I even don`t realize how people get lost believing in them both although they don`t have a slice of logic. Logic is one of the basic principles which construct our life and thinking. For centuries people believed in two unlogic assertions. Do u believe that from 2 humans can rise the whole nation of humans with its all variety? Do you believe that an Indian, Chinese and Afro American are children of one and the same parents and they are Adam and Eve? The Bible is written maybe when America as a continent was not discovered so there is no Indians in its explanations? But they existed. It is proven. So in the legend of Adam and Eve there is a big mistake. They missed half of the humans. It is obvious that Adam and Eve are white so they can not create an Afro American. It is gene. How white person will create Afro American. From the point of genetic it is impossible. So who are the parents of Afro Americans or Afro Africans, who are the parents of Chinese people or of the Indians? May be they don`t have parents. Very unlogic. Here comes the Darwin`s theory. It seems it will give us the answer. I watched one movie based on Darwin`s theory and there they pointed that their investigations lead them to think that the first man had lived I don`t remember when but in east Africa around Kenya and he was black, Afro African. Adam and Eve were Afro Africans? In fact, do you believe in the thing with the amoeba? That we came here because of it transforming from animal to animal? I don`t. But look if the first man is a Kenya Afro African - black, with small bones, typical Afro man, then from where does the big white blond blue eyed Scandinavian appear?
The logic says we must look at the genes. Can a black man with genes of a black man to transform into a Scandinavian man with Scandinavian genes? Maybe the science will say yes. But I will ask if there is so big transformation why we don`t transform now? Why the other animals don`t transform into creatures with mind? Why other monkeys don`t transform to humanlike creatures? So for somebody there is transformation and for the other no transformation and evolution. For me both theories are unlogic and untrue. But when you get both of them together you will see that they complete one another and maybe something logic may appear.

For me the truth, it is my truth. Somebody, I don`t know who, had let some creatures on earth like Adam and Eve but not the same, different and various and many Adams and Eves. They were different - some black, some white, some yellow, some red. They were no monkeys and not so human as we now for me that were the first humans. They took the stone, made the first instruments of labor and so on and the evolution started. We have proofs for the Homo Erectus but he was not a monkey. The monkeys also go on 2 legs but they are not Homo Erectus. And why we don`t have the chain who was before Homo Erectus? They say a monkey. But they don`t have it. There is not discovered relic. So somebody had putted some humanlike groups on our mother earth different with different genes and evolution started. I think now and Darwin and the Bible writers will be satisfied.