Thinking of Adam and Eve legend and again thinking on the contrary on the Darwin`s theory I just get lost one evening. I really realize how wrong are both. And I even don`t realize how people get lost believing in them both although they don`t have a slice of logic. Logic is one of the basic principles which construct our life and thinking. For centuries people believed in two unlogic assertions. Do u believe that from 2 humans can rise the whole nation of humans with its all variety? Do you believe that an Indian, Chinese and Afro American are children of one and the same parents and they are Adam and Eve? The Bible is written maybe when America as a continent was not discovered so there is no Indians in its explanations? But they existed. It is proven. So in the legend of Adam and Eve there is a big mistake. They missed half of the humans. It is obvious that Adam and Eve are white so they can not create an Afro American. It is gene. How white person will create Afro American. From the point of genetic it is impossible. So who are the parents of Afro Americans or Afro Africans, who are the parents of Chinese people or of the Indians? May be they don`t have parents. Very unlogic. Here comes the Darwin`s theory. It seems it will give us the answer. I watched one movie based on Darwin`s theory and there they pointed that their investigations lead them to think that the first man had lived I don`t remember when but in east Africa around Kenya and he was black, Afro African. Adam and Eve were Afro Africans? In fact, do you believe in the thing with the amoeba? That we came here because of it transforming from animal to animal? I don`t. But look if the first man is a Kenya Afro African - black, with small bones, typical Afro man, then from where does the big white blond blue eyed Scandinavian appear?
The logic says we must look at the genes. Can a black man with genes of a black man to transform into a Scandinavian man with Scandinavian genes? Maybe the science will say yes. But I will ask if there is so big transformation why we don`t transform now? Why the other animals don`t transform into creatures with mind? Why other monkeys don`t transform to humanlike creatures? So for somebody there is transformation and for the other no transformation and evolution. For me both theories are unlogic and untrue. But when you get both of them together you will see that they complete one another and maybe something logic may appear.
For me the truth, it is my truth. Somebody, I don`t know who, had let some creatures on earth like Adam and Eve but not the same, different and various and many Adams and Eves. They were different - some black, some white, some yellow, some red. They were no monkeys and not so human as we now for me that were the first humans. They took the stone, made the first instruments of labor and so on and the evolution started. We have proofs for the Homo Erectus but he was not a monkey. The monkeys also go on 2 legs but they are not Homo Erectus. And why we don`t have the chain who was before Homo Erectus? They say a monkey. But they don`t have it. There is not discovered relic. So somebody had putted some humanlike groups on our mother earth different with different genes and evolution started. I think now and Darwin and the Bible writers will be satisfied.
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