Saturday, January 3, 2009


We have often heard about landscapes and rarely about seascapes but almost never about skyscapes. So i decided to promote this type of art here because there is nothing more beautiful than the sky. It is amazing experience to turn your head up and your stare to be absorbed by this incredible picture and knowing you are staring to the eternity you are charged with great energy. (Beauty gives positive energy and pleasure.)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winning and Losing in Hemingway`s vision

Winner Take Nothing, 27th of October 1933

The collection presents the reality as horrible and cruel because of the historical period (disillusionment after the I World War and the Great Depression)or because of the tragic events in Hemingway’s life at that time. All pieces have tragic and pessimistic decoration. Hemingway depicts distorted characters as the distorted pictures of Pablo Picasso. Often his disillusionment transfers in black mockery and satire. The stories are symbols which got together construct the idea of the collection mentioned in the epigraph and the title. This is an existential quest. Quest for the great questions, for the sense of human life, for the aim of man, for his winning and losing in life and who is the real winner in fact. Hemingway gives his answers and coins his philosophy.

1. the reality - The Gambler, the Nun and the Radio
The need to fog our minds, the need for opium, reality is futile and absurd, human condition bad, man is doomed to pain, sufferings and losing.

2. the human soul - The Light of the World
Beauty and power of human soul, the inner strengths of man, who even in bad situation is believing, hoping and loving. Inner strengths which give power to human beings to keep going. Man can be destroyed but not defeated because of these inner strengths.

3. the winning - A Way You’ll Never Be
Winning is in that that we don’t give up and win against fate with courage.

4. the fight - A Day’s Wait
The sense of life is this fight and man shows his real face in that fight. Hemingway likes fair fighters, who stoically bare the plays of fate and victory it without showing any weakness.

5. the way of fight - A Clean, Well – Lighted Place
Stoically accepting the kicks of fate, bravely with self – respect with elegance and dignity.

6. The fight with fate is unequal.
Man is ordained to lose but he can win against providence with his courage, elegance and dignity, but he won’t get a prize, the opposite he will be put to more tests and trails. In this fight man shows his real face.

7. the losing - Fathers and Sons, The Sea Change, After the Storm
The motif is not clearly declared in the collection. It is undercurrent line and has its unvoiced messages and unstated conclusions. The motif of losing is omitted. Man is losing everything – happiness, love, dear people, gold, health, life. The mean strokes of fate. Ironic story.

8. God - A Natural History of the Dead
Even God is not concerned in the absurd and cruel and desperate condition of man.